Dog's skin
Marina G VeterinarianSkin has an essential role in dog’s life. External aggressions weaken the fragile ecosystem of dogs’ skin. The skin barrier is damaged, the natural flora is disrupted and its defences are activated, causing skin disorders.
The canine skin barrier, a complex and fragile ecosystem
The skin has many major roles: protection of outside agressions, temperature regulations, elimination of sebum excess and release of pheromones involved in territorial marking, social and sexual communication. The skin barrier is essential to protect the body from bacteria, yeasts, allergens and all other bad guys out there. It also retains moisture.
To be efficient, the skin barrier protection relies on 3 components which interact:
- The mechanical skin barrier: basically cells and skin components acting like a ‘brick and mortar’ wall allowing to keep water in and offenders out.
- The immunological skin barrier: cells and molecules that defends the body against offenders. As skin is an interface with the external environment, the immune system is very active.
- The microbiological skin barrier: there are many microorganism that live on the skin surface (bacteria, yeasts, etc.). This balanced barrier protect from invasion of pathogen microorganisms.
This balance is fragile and deserves your care and protection. Whatever the colour or the thickness of his fur, all the dogs can be affected by a skin problem. When weakened by agressions, the skin barrier ecosystem is damaged and you can observe signs on your dog’s coat and skin.
A dry skin, a oily or flaky skin, hot spot, itchs, a colonisation of bacteria, overgrowth of yeasts can be symptoms of a defective skin barrier. Should you observe signs on the skin and coat of your furry friend, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian.
At the same time, DOUXO® S3 can help you every day to take care of your dog.